Healthy Living Center
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Wellness Plan |
Pharmacist Recommendations |
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General Health Information
There is no doubt that a healthy lifestyle improves the length of life as well as the quality of life. The earlier in life we begin implementing a program of health and wellness the better off we will be; but no matter what age we are today, we can all help ourselves to a healthier, happier life?starting now.
The key to a healthy lifestyle is making healthy choices. We must learn about the benefits of nutrition and exercise, and the damage caused by unhealthy habits like tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. Understanding the key components of healthy living will help you make those good choices.
A healthy lifestyle begins with the basics of proper nutrition. A healthy diet is one that is low in fat and high in fiber, with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. Foods should be low in sodium content, with no chemical additives or refined sugars. Since water is also an essential nutrient, we should drink plenty of fresh clean, filtered water every day. The water, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from our daily food intake are the building-blocks of life. Choosing foods that are fresh, pure, and of the highest quality ensures a healthy body. ?You are what you eat? is an absolutely true statement.
Another key to a healthy lifestyle is physical fitness. A program of regular exercise is absolutely vital to good health. Exercise improves respiratory and cardiovascular function; we breathe more and pump more blood when we are exercising. Actually, the entire body benefits from regular exercise. Exercise not only improves the delivery of more oxygen and nutrients throughout the entire body, but also enhances the excretion of carbon dioxide and waste products from the body. As a result, regular exercise increases our strength, stamina, and our energy. We not only feel better but are healthier, too.
A healthy lifestyle is one that is full of enjoyable healthy activities. Walks in nature, hobbies, music, or gardening are good examples. Not only can leisure activities be fun, they can reduce stress as well. Meditation and yoga are great stress-reducers, too, and help to balance and center the mind. Plenty of restful sleep refreshes and replenishes the body and mind as well.
As we choose to add more of the healthful foods and activities into our lives, we should also guard ourselves against the unhealthy ones. For example, we should avoid exposure to environmental pollutants, toxins, tobacco smoke, and artificial chemicals and food additives. Eliminating our exposure to toxins helps to keep our bodies clean and functioning at their peak.
Build a Wellness Program
Dietary supplements can also help with healthy living. They help to ?fill in the gaps? of what your food may not be providing and insure maximum health. We recommend to build a wellness program of dietary supplementation beginning with core nutritionals. Core nutritionals provide critical nutrients that are difficult to acquire in meaningful quantities in our food. They include:
- High quality vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, typically in dosages considerably higher than the US RDA (United States Recommended Daily Allowance).
- Antioxidants protect the body from damaging free radicals (molecules that react in harmful ways) by neutralizing them. Free radicals are linked to many diseases.
- Essential Fatty Acids are the ?good fats? that we don?t get in our diet such as fish oils and oils from certain seeds. They are called essential because the body cannot manufacture them and so we must get them from our diet or in supplement form.
- Fiber (both soluble and insoluble) has many well known benefits. Unless you eat 5 or 6 servings a day of fruits and vegetables, you must supplement fiber in order to reap its benefits.
Throughout our numerous wellness centers, you may notice we always recommend a wellness plan consisting of these core nutritionals in addition to other health specific supplements. They truly are the foundation of a good wellness program.
Wellness Plan
- Regular exercise and weight control
- Well balanced diet: low fat, high fiber, with added soy protein
- Avoid smoking, especially if taking the pill, and moderate alcohol intake
- Pharmacist’s Supplement Recommendations:
- Vitamins, Minerals, and Trace Elements - all are important but magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, C, E, B-complex, and trace minerals are crucial since it is difficult to get all you need in your diet
- AntiOxidants - vitamins A & E, coenzyme Q10, PCO’s (grape seed extract), selenium, l-glutathione
- Essential Fatty Acids - all omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (borage, flax, and fish oils)
- Herbs and Phytonutrients - ginkgo biloba, carotenoids, bioflavonoids, garlic, and super green foods
- Fiber - soluble and insoluble
These products are recommended by licensed pharmacists who have specialized in natural medicines and dietary supplements. For maximum benefit from these recommendations, be sure to read the Wellness Center Guidelines.
Essentials Performance Formula $27.72
Daily intake of a high-quality complete vitamin and mineral supplement guarantees us all the optimal nutrients that may be lacking in our foods. Vitamins and minerals are part of the necessary building-blocks for the body. Without them, degenerative conditions and illness may develop that undermine our good health. As part of a healthy lifestyle, a daily dose of optimal nutrients helps to ensure that we have plenty of energy and a vital life. Essentials Performance Formula provides maximal levels of the most critical nutrients necessary for vibrant health.
Super Greens Plus $27.75
This superior blend of phytonutrients, super green foods, and herbs is perfect for adding to a well designed vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, and fatty acid supplement program to insure the utmost in nutritional value. Some of the many ingredients include:
- Wheat, Barley, Alfalfa, Spirulina, Chlorella, and Wheat Sprout - excellent source of trace minerals, enzymes, and fiber
- Super Foods - including freeze-dried powders of broccoli, cauliflower, soya, beet, spinach, and dunaliella salina (algae)
- Herbals - including green tea, milk thistle, and ginkgo biloba
- Antioxidants - pine bark and grape seed extracts; two well known high potency free-radical scavengers
- Probiotics and FOS - dairy free cultures of acidophilus, bifidus, and thermophilus with fructooligosaccharides (FOS) added for gastrointestinal support of nutrient absorption
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AntiOxidant Essentials $25.25
Antioxidants help protect the body from the ravages of free radicals. Free radicals damage our DNA, cell membranes, and our immune system. They are a major factor in aging, as well as degenerative diseases of the body and brain. Antioxidants are free radical scavengers which neutralize the destructive effects of these free radicals. Daily intake of antioxidant supplements as part of a healthy lifestyle protects us from the damages of these harmful free radicals. AntiOxidant Essentials is a combination of several well known antioxidants designed to give added protection against free radical damage.
Omega Max $18.43
Essential fatty acids are “good fats” that are absolutely necessary for the reproduction of cells. We also need them as part of the many natural biochemical processes of the body. They are called “essential” because each cell in our body needs a supply of them each and every day. They are also called “essential” because they must be taken in from our diets or in supplement form. As part of a healthy lifestyle, supplementing daily with essential fatty acids helps to keep our bodies functioning at their peak. This formula combines the beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which are most important to our health.
Additional Products for Healthy Living
Flax Seed Oil / 1000mg |
Fiber Blend |
Essential Minerals |
CoEnzyme Q10 / 50mg |
Buffered Vitamin C Powder |
Vitamin E 200IU |
Vegetable Blend |
Saw Palmetto Plus |
Psyllium Fiber |
Probiotics UltraMAX |
Wellness Centers Related to Healthy Living
Additional Information on Healthy Living
- Countdown for a Healthier Life - guide by the National Womens Health Information Center